
Galentine’s Day By Forever Styled!

Party Bundle | Wine Glasses | Cookies | LOVE Clutch | Pajamas


February is a time of love, and what better way to share it than with the gals in your life?? I’m not saying you have to block off February 14th for a Girl’s Only day… But take a night or a weekend and celebrate Valentine’s with the ladies who lift you up!


Go to a hotel or even better, send the kids to grandmas and have the sleepover at your own home. And when you have this awesome night of girl talk and sweet fun, here are a few of my favorite things that MUST be present:


FOR THE LOVE OF WINE: What better way to start the party than with a cute decanter and matching glasses?? Have more than 4 friends? Simply add in plain stemless wine glasses to fill in the gaps. And using a deep red makes for a great splash if Valentines Day color in your party place.










DESSERTS FOR THE WIN: We all have a little sweet tooth when we get to the bottom of it. These cookies in a can are not only delicious, but great for bringing to a destination. It is an easy way to not show up empty handed and also a good idea for a late night bite.












PARTY BUNDLE: There is no better party in a box for your Galentine’s celebration that this Meri Meri bundle! Especially for those doing their party at home, this has all the paper wear, sweet accessories, and favors you gals would ever need.











PRETTY IN PINK PAJAMAS: We all want our best foot forward when it comes to looking adorable for group photos. Keep the cute going all night with a romper set for sleeping. If you are like me and enjoy a coordinating these, tell the gals to all grab something pink or red for night attire!















THE SIGNATURE LEAVE BEHIND: Something I always like to do is leave a little something once I’m gone. These clutches are an amazing party favor for the ladies you love, and something that you can all rock year round! It will remind them of your love and give them a cute new evening bags for their future girls-night-out’s!











And for any final ideas, both for your Galentine’s and the guys in your life, see my


UNDER $100:






Stylishly yours,


Jen Young

Closet Cleanout: The Final Touch


Our closet journey is sadly coming to an end with all the final touches, and BOY was it something! I can now say going into my closet doesn’t come with a cringe or a wrinkle of the nose. I am truly excited “get my clothes on” in my little oasis. Now, like most things in life, it isn’t perfect. Of course, I would love a center island for my undergarments and jewelry. Or a new light fixture on the ceiling… But those cost money, and like so many people I work with, renovating on a budget is preferred.

Instead of dwelling on the lack of built-in storage or the make shift shoe holders, I choose to see only the positive. When comparing my closet to my life over the past few years, I think I am finally BACK! In a very pure and powerful moment, looking at the coordinating hangers and nicely folded scarves, I noticed that the disheveled mess that started is now put back together.


See, here is the thing–this past year has been no walk in the park for me. Moving into my new home and new life consisted of throwing shoes in the bath tub and praying for a Hail Mary pass. This was my reality:



As time went on I knew I had to pick myself up and get things back to normal, or as normal as possible. So I took on a little bit of change one day at a time. As you can see, my closet became bearable but with small imperfections. The hangers were mismatched {but felt no doubt since wire is from the devil}, and the items not coordinated to my liking. But they were in. And I could open the door without hitting boxes. So life went on.



It wasn’t until this past month when I took on a full overhaul that I realized just how much my closet was like my life. In true Jen fashion, after a day of running around, picking up kids and forcing a dinner into place, I jumped into this closet like it was my job (because it kind of is!). I forged through, sorted things out, and got creative. Every shoe put in place was a cleanse for my soul. I even managed to purge three garbage sacks for consignment! Hooray!



And just like my life, all the pieces might not be perfect, but they are back together again.


Thank you all for going on this journey with me, I would be honored to help you do the same! If you are interested in picking up your closet pieces, feel free to email me: [email protected]





Stylishly yours,


Jen Young

Closet Clean Out – Before & Afters


In true closet clean out fashion… This is taking MUCH longer than I initially thought. Where we were hoping to have an awesome array of images from my own closet, there are still a few finishing touches missing from the album. Not to get all “busy working mom” on you, but I think there is a great lesson to be learned in all of this.

Perfection is never reachable, and some things just take longer than you anticipate. Despite the time I DO NOT have to finish cleaning out my own closet, let me show you some of the ones I have completed and give a little insight on what happens during the process of closet clean out. Each space poses its own set of trials and tribulations, as no two closets are alike!



Small Space, Big Wardrobe 

This closet is actually a combination of two coat closets and one smaller walk-in. The goal was to maximize space and give a flow to the placement of items. We accomplished this by designating closets to specific items of clothing (i.e. shoes, coats, everyday items). This way every like minded thing lives together.



Move In And Un Pack

I love a clean slate like I love a good piece of chocolate! Being able to work with clients as they move into their new homes is a great way to make a fresh start in the space. It can be a daunting task to unload and sort all of your crap, but the results are life-giving when it’s all said and done.


Sophistication Is Just One Step Away

When it comes to matching your closet to your lifestyle, it’s all about the sophistication! A very easy way to accomplish this is just by turning your hangers! I have said it once and will say it a million times more, using matching felt hangers makes a world of difference. Don’t believe me… Look at the photos above! Everything lines up and the same eye level making it easier to discern what item to select each day. Added touches like displaying beautiful handbags and other treasures styles the space in boutique fashion. And look at those striped hat boxes…to die for!


Another Before And After

Here is another example of why turning hangers and reducing clutter is SO IMPORTANT! We got rid of a 1/4 of these clothes my client will never miss. Adding a matching hanger also gave her added space and more peace of mind!



Dry Cleaner Bag Hell

These images reveal the power of removing those dreaded plastic dry cleaner bags and letting your clothes breathe for a change. If you are concerned about something getting soiled or dusty, consider purchasing reusable clear zip up bags. Here is another quick tip: Ask your dry cleaners to turn your hangers and cover your garments with your personal zip up bags so you never bring wire or plastic bags back into your life. This practice is environmentally responsible and makes the practice of daily dressing much easier.



A Full Overhaul 

This closet was one where I got to add an extra spin. For me a space is all about looking past the clothing and finding a way to design to its full potential. I love adding in little flares to hang jewelry or store smaller items. Adding a touch of your personal style to the decor of your closet is a great way to finish the look and make your clothing stand out even more.



If you are planning to clean out your closet and need help, email me: [email protected]. And stay tuned for a fully finished look at my own closet this coming week!



Stylishly Yours,


Jen Young

Closet Clean Out – Purging and Sorting



Closet Cleanout


Sometimes practicing what you preach is one of the hardest things to do. Day after day I help women and men get a fresh start with their wardrobes–cleaning their closets, purging and sorting, filling the gaps, and transforming their image. It seems I also try hard to avoid doing the same for myself. Not that my closet is a pigsty… But I do occasionally turn my head to the side and eye-roll when I walk past the door. It’s the cobbler’s children have no shoes mentality, right?


This past year I moved my clothing into my dream closet, and now I need to take time to make it the picture perfect room. For the next few weeks I will bring you all through my own closet facelift, and hopefully learn some new things along the way!


Closet Cleanout Purging and Sorting

When it comes to going through closets {which can really be a microcosm of your life}, the key is to remember this is a very personal job. Not only do clothes tell the story of someone’s personal tastes and treasures, sometimes they also hide the pain they might be feeling. Let’s face it {me included}, inventorying your wardrobe is a cleansing experience AND a process you must stride gingerly through.

Purging and Sorting consign repair donate

First things first: I have clients make three piles. Consign, Repair/Launder and Donate. Anything that is not a for sure “keeper” ends up in one of these piles. I suggest you repair items that are realistically repairable or gussied up by a fresh press at the professional dry cleaner asap. All other garments and accessories should be sent to a donation center of your choice or consigned for a new start. You can see some of the places I consign in my PREVIOUS BLOG. 

Purging and Sorting thread up

One of my favorite ways to consign is by using ThredUp. They send a kit to place your clothing in with FREE SHIPPING, you mail it back, and they do the rest! I love making money while I sleep. Wink.

Purging and Sorting shoes

Look for rough edges on shoes or worn out toe fronts.


Purging and Sorting discoloring

When items start looking furry and discolored..purge them. You are better than that!


Purging and Sorting pilling

Frayed edges mean Bye Bye.

Look for Pilling, Frayed Edges, and Shoe Wear and Tear: When it comes to what I look for with repair items vs. donate and consign…Though this is always up for debate, some of the more apparent problems I see are scuffs and rips on shoes, discoloration on clothing, and pilling on items like sweaters or pants. We all know them and we see them often, but saying goodbye to our cherished items often times is hard to do. If you struggle to know just when to let go…here is another post to help you ask seven simple questions to declutter your wardrobe. 


Purging and Sorting dogs

And though I am one who truly loves furry friends, it is always nice to make sure and arrange someone to watch them, or have a pen they can stay in during the process. And that goes for non-furry little friends too. When you purge and re-org–make this a sacred time for you and your closet. These decisions can be stressful… so give your self a kid free-pet free moment to deep dive into the challenge.


If you want to learn more on having your own fresh start with a closet clean out, email me: [email protected] or call me at 678-772-9975. You are worth it. Your closet will thank you and likely spur you on to lean out other parts of your life as well.



Stylishly ((and realistically)) Yours,


Jen Young

Lessons From 2017


I am not going to lie to you…I am really happy 2017 is in my rear view window.


You know—some years are better than others, but this last one I grew like a beanstalk, facing both the challenges of single motherhood and learning what it means to stand firm on my own two feet as an entrepreneur. That statement is code for—this girl needs a nap asap.


Please don’t hear me complain with a voice positioning myself as a victim. I love my life and all that God has revealed the last twelve months amidst uncharted waters. And thanks to my parents; I have slept in for seven days in a row at their home in Florida this week, so I am officially a well-rested camper.


But let’s all face it: Adulting. Is. Freaking. Hard.


Can I get an, “Amen??” And then wear this shirt if you agree…..


Can we also harmonize, in tandem to the mess and hardship we all face, this life holds so much beauty?


Let me expand a bit so perhaps all my imperfections and revelations from them will urge you on to something bigger and better than you ever thought possible for yourself. Taking an introspective look at myself has been a healthy exercise, so I pray you will garner some insight as you prepare your own clean slate for 2018.


When I got my initial footing in the fashion industry just four years ago thanks to my mentor and friend Lauren Lafevre {Edit By Lauren}, I had no idea how much the simple notion of “get your clothes on” {as stated in my tag line} would lead to profound personal truths that run deeper than just my wardrobe.


 “Fashion is not necessarily about labels. It’s not brands. It’s about something else that comes from within you.” Ralph Lauren


Here are the lessons I will take with me into the new year:



1.} Attitude is Everything: Choosing a positive attitude and self-concept is paramount to combat all the negative input that can potentially sabotage your daily routine. My personal commitment is to bring light to a dark world…and that happens to begin with a thoughtful outfit, an intentional smile, and lending a helping hand. I also like to keep in mind the popular phrase that became a mantra in Facebook’s hacker culture, done is better than perfect. Or even better, acknowledging Voltaire’s statement, “Perfect is the enemy of good.” Not to say giving something your all isn’t a worthy goal, but knowing when things need to take your time and when they don’t is also important.


My kids: Jackson (14}, Me {no age required}, Julia {11 going on 21}!


2.} My Children, Family, and Friends are my Greatest Resume: I think about the time I invest in my team members with Forever Styled {love you Shelby and Alex}, keeping my home organized and calendar oiled with kid/biz appointments, but nothing is more sacred than the moments I invest in my children, family, and friends–especially during technology free dinners chock-full of meaningful conversation. That means protecting this time is uber important. Who you surround yourself with on any given day also shapes who you become and the legacy you will ultimatley leave behind.


3.} I am NOT a Superhero: While I secretly wish I could clone myself, read the minds of my teenagers, or even be invisible for a day, I recognize I am not Wonder Woman or any other being that requires a cape. But knowing I cannot do it all, be all, for everyone liberates me. Becoming a master “time-blocker” of my calendar and recognizing my limitations as a person has saved me. Learning to say “NO” in order to give greater value to the things I say “yes” to has changed my life. Don’t be a slave to thinking you have to be a multiple plate spinner to be a success. Simplify your commitments and aspire for greatness at a few things. Invest in the philosophy that less is more. That includes the amount of stuff you have as well. To that point, stay tuned for a “full monty” view {kidding} of my own personal closet purge later this month.


My buddies: Shannon, Amy and I on a recent trip to San Fran.

4.} I Need Fun: Being an adult carries so much responsibility! I have learned that some of the my best original ideas for my business and personal goals have come out of weekend retreats with soul sisters or times when I just let loose and eat waffles with fried chicken. If you haven’t spent time laughing with your friends or at yourself for that matter…then get on it. You might uncover your greatest strengths by doing something out of the ordinary like saying yes to kayaking when you prefer to read a book at home. Staying stagnant is boring. Venture out and explore something new. You deserve a unique adventure that just might expand your territory.


5.} Health is so Important: As I have learned to take better care myself this year, by adjusting my workout routine {thank you Susan Stivers}, food and sleep plan, and getting more margin around my calendar, I am happier and wiser. I took baby steps toward life balance, but will keep pressing forward knowing this pursuit works. There are no medals for people who push themselves beyond human capacity warranting daily doses of Xanax. I am ready to be stronger and mentally clearer than ever this year.

You with me?


Blessings to each of you this New Year. What have you learned that you will take into 2018? Share the love….


“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” – 2 Cor 12:9



With Strength and Dignity,





Holiday Highlight – Haute Exchange



It’s holiday highlight time again for my favorite stores in the greater Austin area and this one goes out to my lovely friend, Natalie Thorp, Owner of Haute Exchange. Not only do I love shopping her consignment finds, it is a reliable resource for me and my clients.


Consignment is a thoughtful way to get a little cash back for your gently worm items and make room for something new. Working with Natalie and her team makes it easier than ever. The staff at Haute Exchange is kind, organized, and helps you re-home the old and welcome the new!


Even more than being the perfect resource for your closet, re-selling your consignment potentials also helps the environment.


Here are a few words with Natalie on why that is true and how her business owning dreams came true:



JY – Tell us the background of how Haute Exchange can to be and why you chose to work in the consignment industry instead of classic retail?  


NT – I’ve been consigning and purchasing consignment clothes since I was 16 years old. I was raised in Temple, Texas and there was a consignment shop that I thought was a great business model.  My husband is an entrepreneur and this was his idea to start the business in Dripping Springs.   But most of all… I am a recycler.  I am also a treasure hunter. This business keeps my interest.


JY – Please explain why recycled clothing is so important to the environment?  


NT – Textiles are toxic when buried in our landfills.  In 2013, Americans recycled some 2.3 million tons of textile waste. That brought a reduction in greenhouse gases equivalent to taking 1.2 million cars off the road for an entire year.  Would you throw a car away when you’re done with it?  Used car sales brought about consignment for clothing. We want you to consider consignment as an option for all your clothing. We spend so much on our attire it is a wonderful option to get some of your investment back from unwanted items.


consignment kate spade

consignment coach


JY – What are a few tips you have for shoppers over the holidays? 


NY – Shop local. Don’t buy at full price. Always consider consignment as an option to the mall.  Also consider vintage clothing for a change.  You can find wonderful vintage coats, jewelry, and purses especially.


JY – What does your store specialize in?  


NT – We sometimes take clothes that are brand new. People order off the Internet and decide that’s not what they wanted or perhaps it didn’t fit properly. There are so many options in buying clothing at a consignment shop. We may have that suede fringe jacket you’ve been wanting for less than half the retail price. It’s really the thrill of the hunt, the treasure hunt!  If you get it in your blood it doesn’t stop.


We have a 3 generation concept.  You could bring in your teenage daughter or your mom.  We have brands for everyone at any age.  Most of all we inspect the garment completely, so you know you are getting quality pieces without snags, loose buttons, etc.  We never want you to pay full price for your fashion.  Most of all if you purchase something with regret you now have a chance to make some of your hard earned money back!  We accept consignments daily!


When you shop here…You will start to look for that unique thing that nobody else has or something you can’t buy any longer.  We may have it here!  And that’s what we seek out at Haute Exchange. We want one of a kind, unusual, very attractive items in our shop. Will also take all the Chico tops that you have too!  Ha!

consignment Ralph Laurenconsignment shoes

consignment Michael kors


JY – What other things would you like potential customers to know? 


NT – We are here for the Dripping Springs community to repurpose their clothing. I just want to foster those ideas in the community that some things are meant to be reused and that it’s ok for you to shop resale.  Our shop is clean and neat.  We have the best consigners, the best brands and our clothing is top notch.



For those looking to consign, here is our extended preferred vendor:






Happy and Peace-filled Shopping to each of you this Holiday Season.


Jen Young

Holiday Outfitting Done Fashionably Festive

holiday outfitting one



holiday outfitting two



holiday outfitting three




holiday outfitting five




When it comes to the holidays we are all great at dressing the turkey for dinner or our trees with lights and garland. Somewhere we often don’t have the best of luck though, is with our holiday outfitting! If you are anything like me, you want to look put together for all those random photos your parents are sure to take and attempt to post on Facebook… But at the same time that means fighting the urge to throw on your grunge sweats after a long week of preparing food and gifts and table settings and so on and so fourth.


So this year, I’m letting you all in on a little secret of mine – the art of holiday outfitting!


The trick I have learned is that having the correct outfit for working hard in the kitchen (or pretending to nap on the couch) is in the shoes. I suggest going for a flat or wedge for extra support. Use this day as a time to go all out with the denim. I decked my holiday dress with a pair of funky frayed legged skinnies. They are super comfortable and still give off a done-up look. Lastly, and what I think elevates most looks, is going for a top that pops. This jewel toned top is a nice light fabric perfect for running around but also looks great when you are needing that extra touch!


Working with minimal jewelry is also a good way to keep your look simple yet sweet. I usually stick to gold, like my ring and bracelet, around the holidays as it always feels just a touch more festive to me for some reason.


Wishing you all a happy holiday full of love and family!



Stylishly yours,


Jen Young




Soul Care For My Soul Sisters

Soul Care


We started this month talking about empowering the working woman and celebrating just how awesome she is! As the weeks have progressed {what the heck— it is already the last week of October???} I’ve noticed how empowering her also means we need to “treat” her. Much like in a plane, you are no good if you don’t put on your oxygen mask first. Without some soul care you are bound to fall flat on all the everyday demands of both work and family.


Here are my top ten routines/tips to keep your heart and body healthy and happy… and none of them take too long so no excuses!


Soul Care Massage

1. Massage: Maybe it isn’t a full hour at a nice spa for your price conscious ladies? Maybe it is just a foot rub you bribed your kids to give you? Either way, having that moment to relax and breath means more than most could know. The power of physical touch and working out all the kinks in our bodies is so important as we press onward to our goal to change history with our lives.


Soul Care Lip Stick

ONE  | TWO  |  THREE  |  FOUR  |  FIVE

2. New Lip Color: Ever gotten a glance in the mirror around 4 pm and thought, “Yikes! Is that me??” A very simple way to combat this situation is by adding a new lipstick to your routine. Stop into a CVS or Walgreens for a quick fix. Or stop by the lip counter at your local Nordstrom or Sephora to test out the best shades for your pout.


Soul Care Flowers

3. Fresh Cut Flowers: You’re already at the store at least 3 times a week… Or is that just me?? Stop to smell the roses (literally) and bring a bundle home. I am convinced fresh flowers liven up a home and warm a heart. I shop Trader Joe’s for the most cost effective beauties, and love potted orchids which last up to three months with a simple ice cube to water each week and bright, indirect sunlight!


Soul Care Shoes

ONE  |  TWO  | THREE  |  FOUR  |  FIVE

4. Shoes That Fit: Some days we just need to walk on clouds. Every woman should have one pair of sneakers that are the “go-to” on days when your feet just can’t take it. I adore these leopard sneakers with skinny jeans and a denim top for an easy kick around solution.


Soul Care Food

5. Lunch Date: Take the time to meet a life-giving friend for lunch or coffee. Your soul, heart, body, etc. will thank you. Explore a new part of town or eat Dim Sum style. Your palette needs as much stretching as your wardrobe.



Soul Care Books

6. A Great New Book: I am face planted in two books right now that are both convicting and inspiring me to do better and be a better women. Check out So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore and Lioness Arising by Lisa Bevere to spur you on to greatness. Get lost in a fiction book like The Silent Wife to escape “adulting” on a daily basis.


Soul Care Coffee

7. Warm Beverage: Perfect for the shift in the weather! A stop at Starbucks or your favorite local coffee/tea shop in the morning is a great way to take a second for yourself. Hold the cup between your hands and breathe in the sweet smell of a seasonal pumpkin spice latte or chai tea. The pleasant aroma might be all you need to stay inspired!


Soul Care Nails

ONE  |  TWO  | THREE  |  FOUR 


8. Mani / Pedi: This is a monthly “must do” activity if you ask me, and more importantly, one that relays the message of your first impression. Keeping up with your nails is not only a treat but necessary to suggest proper grooming is important to you—especially as a working professional.


Soul Care Icecream

9. Sweet Delight: Have 20 minutes between after school activities and meetings? Grab French fries or ice cream. And I dare you to not shame yourself for the treat afterwards! We are so hard on ourselves and the added pressure is just not needed. Be happy and eat those fries, ladies! Once a month won’t kill you.


Soul Care Running

10. Time Without the Phone: This is such a big one and maybe the most difficult. Try leaving your phone in the car during your yoga class or going on a short walk to take in nature uninterrupted. Give yourself some time to separate from the world; everything will still be there when you get back!

Finally, take a moment or two each morning to look in the mirror and remind yourself how great you truly are! Give yourself a compliment, we all know we deflect enough of them anyways. You matter. You are important. And you are created by a loving God who does not make junk!


Blessings and Style Peace,

Jen Young



As we continue our journey down the path of working women, let’s press pause for something I think every lady needs more of… SHOES {silent happy dance moment!}




Well, not kidding, but we are actually talking about something we all need more of—TIME. I wish I could tell you how Beyoncé does it, but I’ve yet to figure that out. Does she have a clone? So, until the secrets of Queen B are exposed, here are a few tips to make it feel like you actually have 48 hours in a day instead of 24 to get it all freaking done as a working professional, worker bee, mom, hat spinner,etc.:


Time Saving Tips - Outfits

1. Lay Out Your Outfits

It might seem like a feat to be proactive, but laying out your outfits beforehand {at night or the Sunday before your day/week begins} is always a good idea. Not only will you take away guessing each morning, but you will give yourself a little time to think of new and different ways to remix clothing in your closet.


Time Saving Tips - Handbag

  1. Pick One Handbag A Week

Before pre-planning outfits, pick one handbag to use all week. Make it something that works for all of your appointments. Keeping your handbag organized makes your life feel a little more tidy as well.  A weekly rotation keeps you on task to get rid of all the gum wrappers and receipts {and old banana peels or nasty junk that falls to the bottomless pit!}



3. Keep A Day To Night Kit

You should always have a day-to-night kit in your car. A change of shoes, a different jacket or shrug, and make up for touchups. This helps with going straight from appointments to dinners or events.


Time Saving Tips - Laundry

4. Sort Out Your Laundry Beforehand

Think twice before throwing all your dirty laundry in one basket. Have a divider for whites, darks and colors so throwing loads into the wash are easy and simple to keep up with.


Time Saving Tips - Kids

5. Give The Kids Responsibility

Something I started doing last year that has saved my life and a bunch of hair pulling is offloading annoying tasks to my kids. When laundry is folded, it is their job to put it up. They each have a basket that is designated for them and it goes upstairs right away! I have to let go of control when it comes to making sure it is all put away in the perfect spots. Done is better than perfect my friends. Marie Kondo has some amazing folding techniques that my son does enjoy {my daughter on the other hand is a tazmanian devil for organization… God bless her}! Who doesn’t love a sushi rolled pair of socks?


Time Saving Tips - Lips

6. Love Your 5 Minute Makeup 

Do you know what the 5 Minute Makeup routine is?? If you don’t, I need to fill you in. The 5 Minute Makeup {love this one from Harper’s Bazaar} is a way to look full-faced without taking the time. Always make enough time to apply powder, blush, eyeliner, mascara and lips at minimum.


Time Saving Tips - Cleaners

7. Let Your Dry Cleaners Help

Did you know that you can bring your own non-wire hangers to the dry cleaners and they will reuse them for your clothes?? This sounds like a very simple thing, but not having to move over your clothes to a different hangers once your clothes are home helps save time, resources, and energy. Invest in a good hanger if you don’t already have one! W.I.R.E. is a four letter word as par as I am concerned!


Time Saving Tips - Clutch

8. Keep A Clutch In Your Purse

Running around all day and having to lug your larger work bag from place to place is honestly a daunting feeling all its own. Carry a clutch within your bigger bag holding your cards, a little lipstick and your phone. That way you are ready for night, or even a quick stop at the store.

What is your favorite time saving tip? Comment below!!

Stylishly yours,

Jen young


Working Women's Wardrobe


October is a month of celebration. It’s the start of Fall, the beginning of the holiday season, and a month full of great causes like Breast Cancer Awareness. Considering all the greatness that October holds, I want to add to the fun! This month I will be focusing on working women entrepreneurs and their inspiring attitudes towards business and life!


I usually don’t limit my styling ideas to a capsule wardrobe… But when it comes to being a busy working woman, sometimes simple and fool-proof is necessary. So instead of saying my entrepreneur ladies need to stick to a 30-something piece wardrobe, I want to show you a few key pieces from each category I think help the working professional’s life go round!




Talking about tops can really only lead to one thing… or in this case four! Every woman needs a white oxford in her wardrobe that she can pair with any pant or skirt. Add in a denim for a more casual look or to mix up your slack game, and end with the best two basics, a tee and a tank, for the PERFECT combination.




Though I do live in Texas, I find a great need for outerwear. It is good for mixing up an outfit and ideal for going from meeting to meeting as a busy professional. Add a little spunk to your wardrobe with an embroidered leather jacket or a longer cardigan!




Dresses are a great way to create an outfit without having to do too much thinking and compiling. I love a basic tee-shirt dress paired with heels or something a little more frilly like this lace number for your dinner meetings. As a working woman running her own business there is no telling where my day-to-day will start or finish. Having these classic options with such a wide range is key to your style success.




When it comes to pants, I always tell clients a few things. First off, don’t shy away from skirts! It is a garment I don’t feel we go to often, but is an essential that really can dress up a look when needing something fresh and being on a time crunch. Jeans are also a thoughtful option considering the audience you are working with. Being an entrepreneur means we don’t always have to stick to the work office rules! You can dress jeans up and have an approachable look for new client meetings or more casual events. Hallelujah for that. Wink.




Accessories are of course the most important part of any outfit. They are considered the finishing touches for your daily dressing routine. First things first, find a comfortable black heel. It partners with every outfit and will save your feet! Understated jewelry like this necklace and earrings are great for keeping your look fresh yet put together. Ladies, always carry a clutch in your work bag to transition quickly from day to night!




To tie it all in, here are a few looks made from all the fabulous items above!








Stylishly yours,


Jen Young