Closet Cleanout: The Final Touch
Our closet journey is sadly coming to an end with all the final touches, and BOY was it something! I can now say going into my closet doesn’t come with a cringe or a wrinkle of the nose. I am truly excited “get my clothes on” in my little oasis. Now, like most things in life, it isn’t perfect. Of course, I would love a center island for my undergarments and jewelry. Or a new light fixture on the ceiling… But those cost money, and like so many people I work with, renovating on a budget is preferred.
Instead of dwelling on the lack of built-in storage or the make shift shoe holders, I choose to see only the positive. When comparing my closet to my life over the past few years, I think I am finally BACK! In a very pure and powerful moment, looking at the coordinating hangers and nicely folded scarves, I noticed that the disheveled mess that started is now put back together.
See, here is the thing–this past year has been no walk in the park for me. Moving into my new home and new life consisted of throwing shoes in the bath tub and praying for a Hail Mary pass. This was my reality:
As time went on I knew I had to pick myself up and get things back to normal, or as normal as possible. So I took on a little bit of change one day at a time. As you can see, my closet became bearable but with small imperfections. The hangers were mismatched {but felt no doubt since wire is from the devil}, and the items not coordinated to my liking. But they were in. And I could open the door without hitting boxes. So life went on.
It wasn’t until this past month when I took on a full overhaul that I realized just how much my closet was like my life. In true Jen fashion, after a day of running around, picking up kids and forcing a dinner into place, I jumped into this closet like it was my job (because it kind of is!). I forged through, sorted things out, and got creative. Every shoe put in place was a cleanse for my soul. I even managed to purge three garbage sacks for consignment! Hooray!
And just like my life, all the pieces might not be perfect, but they are back together again.
Thank you all for going on this journey with me, I would be honored to help you do the same! If you are interested in picking up your closet pieces, feel free to email me: [email protected]
Stylishly yours,
Jen Young