London is calling and so is color with this AMAZING Elaine Turner Fall Collection! I’m excited to share with you all the latest in ET, and show how vibrant colors can be worn year round. Inspired by all that is shining and lovely, the mix of enhanced fall and dulled romantic colors makes for the perfect pair.
From dresses to bags, jackets and shoes, here are some of my favorite items from the latest collection:
CLUTCH (coming soon) | JEANS (online this week) | TOP (online this week)
BAG (coming soon) | VEST (coming soon) | JEANS (coming soon) | SHIRT (online this week)
JACKET (online this week) | SKIRT (coming soon) | BAG (coming soon) | SHIRT (online this week)
BOOTS (online this week) | CLUTCH (coming soon) | DRESS
For those of you loving this new line as much as I am… book a FREE one-on-one styling session to see more! Be one of the FIRST FOUR to book an appointment, and spend $100+ or $150+ with me to get an Elaine Turner gift card. Sign up by emailing me: [email protected]
This is the perfect time to kick start your Fall wardrobe and replace some of those over loved items you’ve been hanging on too.
Stylishly yours,
Jen Young Young Young2017-09-26 16:08:592017-09-27 16:12:23Elaine Turner Fall 2017 MUST SEES!
Ever used a tube of mascara and stopped to think, “Have I really had this for over a year?!” A good thing to know when it comes to fashion and beauty routines is how often we need to replace things {p.s.—it is every three months for mascara}!
There are no hard and fast rules but these are merely some tips and guidelines I use:
1.} I always tell clients to adopt the practice of buying the best quality you can afford and take care of the items you purchase. Consider your price per wear–the amount you spend on an item divided by the number of times you wear/use it over the life cycle it lives in your wardrobe. For example, I recently spent $195 on Tory Burch sandals which I have already worn them 3 times a week since purchasing them in June. My price per wear is considerably lower due to how often I am putting that investment piece on rotation in my wardrobe. That is the goal!
So besides investing in this summer’s (and every other season in Texas) top sandal, what else should be on your list?
2.} Invest in classic pieces like fun oxford tops, good jeans, and a staple dress. Defining your core style will help with this. Along with basics, always consider the proper undergarments as noted in my recent blog post, When Bad Bras Happen to Good People. By adopting an essentials based wardrobe, you will be less likely to spend money on trendy things that go out of style and more on things that have staying power in your every day rotation.
3.} A little tip I like to share to maximize your wardrobe is to get things altered as your body and the trends evolve. When you consider reinventing hemlines and changing out buttons on older jackets, sometimes you can salvage key pieces without breaking the bank. Don’t spend more than 20% of what the garment originally cost to make it work for you.
4.} When it comes to replacing shoes, like a classic pump, consider how many times you wear them? You should be wearing your shoes enough that you can see the change but not so long everyone else can too. No more walking around on missing heel caps and putting up with broken buckles. Wear shoes until they show physical wear and tear and then consider replacing them. There is also no shame in rehabbing “loved shoes.” Take them to your local Shoe Hospital and see what can be done to save a torn heel or worn out foot pad.
5.} We all love workout gear, but we don’t always love the price tag. While investing in Lululemon or Outdoor Voices, you will gain a better shelf life than going somewhere like Target. I like to shop places like Marshalls or T.J. Maxx for name brands at a lower price. Remember, you don’t want to look homeless when you are working out, and please COVER YOUR REAR. I ain’t got time to view your whale tail. It is hard enough to get myself to a gym, much less be greeted by your hiney.
6.} Last but never least… Handbags! To keep handbags fresh and extending their lifespan, change and clean them out on a weekly rotation. Know if you buy good quality bags you can always re-sell them later. Rebagg is a great resource I provide to consign high end items if you are interested! I also adore my local resource Fashion Reloved.
Don’t just stop at Rebagg, there are so many options for letting go of the things you are replacing or recycling. Here is a list of my top picks for resale, consignment and donations:
Do you spend your mornings staring at a closet full of clothes with nothing to wear? Or perhaps you wish you still had the time to do that given your busy lifestyle and making everyone else but YOU a priority? Being a stylist, my goal is to make shopping {in your own closet or stores} effortless and fun!
So, I’ve found a way to make the process even easier. I am proud to introduce a new shopping service: Virtual Monthly Styling through the exclusive Hue and Stripe application!
This is a new shopping service that will allow me to create a set number of outfits using your existing wardrobe inventoried virtually and added items I choose each month. They will hit your inbox on the day you choose and be curated according to your lifestyle, body type and budget. The best part about it… everything happens online reducing your costs and saving you time while getting dressed in the morning!
You heard that right. Not only will your wardrobe be added to the online Hue and Stripe system, but the clothing I choose for you will be easy to purchase if any wardrobe gaps exist. The custom outfits I create will be organized in folders in your personal profile. We can also create visual style boards {like Pinterest} and interact to be inspired for the future.
“Excellent Service!! Virtually Shopping tailored to your needs! I am busy mom of 3 kids, PTO Board Member/Volunteer and work from home, which leaves little time to REALLY shop. I’m not talking Target shopping. ForeverStyled has saved me from picking up last minute items that don’t fit and hang in my closet taking up space. Having a closet in Hue and Stripe is awesome!! I can go through at a time convenient for me and shop. I just took of advantage of this great service during the Nordstrom 1/2 year sale, lifesaver!!! Highly recommend this service.” – Shannon G
This shopping service is great for keeping your wardrobe refreshed, wearing more of your clothing, and helping organize your closet without stress. And for ladies with a schedule full of work events or charity luncheons, we can set your yearly calendar so the outfits you receive include those options too! And if you need a seasonal purge, I can conduct a virtual assessment and encourage you to let those unlovely items go!
Here are the shopping service options:
9 outfits a month for $45
12 outfits a month for $60
Pre-pay twelve months for $600
There is a $50 one-time on-boarding fee to allow time for me to assess and familiarize myself with your closet. And if the task of inventorying your own closet makes you shake… No worries! Ask me to come to your home and do it for you at an additional cost.
Are you ready to make this virtual style leap of faith?? Please submit this short form and let us begin! I will send you an invoice including the on-boarding fee and instructions on uploading your existing wardrobe!
Stylishly yours,
Jen Young Young Young2017-09-01 10:02:102017-12-06 16:25:54The New Shopping Service
This is a message to all the ladies out there who need a little mid-week pick me up. I want to bring your attention to the difference in being thin and thinking thin. Often we force ourselves into crazy diets and monster juice cleanses. Just last week I fell victim to one of these in which I spent a full day hugging the toilet… and then some. I mean—I do feel better {sort of} but this girl has gotta chew SOMETHING ! Thank God for almonds—just saying.
So ladies, here is the deal. There is a big contrast in forcing yourself to be thin and thinking thin. We spend so much time getting kids and spouses ready, ourselves presentable, and working our tails off to support the dream. There really shouldn’t be any time reserved for running our self-esteem into the ground. But somehow that always seems to make the cut in our daily ritual.
Throw away the fad diets. Chunk those pills in the trash. Start taking the time you once used to degrade your body and start THINKING THIN!
1.} Daily Affirmations: I challenge you all to take some time in front of the mirror today telling yourself just how wonderful you are. Do it especially when it is hard to believe you are beautiful, inside and out. We cannot learn to like ourselves or celebrate the bodies we have by constantly talking ourselves down with negativity. I am convinced that we will never love and fully accept ourselves while simultaneously believing that we are less. Every time you call yourself “fat”, every time you call yourself “ugly”, every time you talk yourself down and refuse to believe in yourself, those words stick with your soul. And it changes us.
So for every negative thought you have about yourself…come up with at least three positive things to undo that degrading statement to edify and restore. Do it today. You matter and deserve this practice. Here are some examples. You can also start by simply saying to yourself, “Hello, beautiful friend, I think you are lovely.”
2.} Know your Body Type and How to Dress to Your Assets:
If you missed the “I Feel Fat and I Have Nothing to Wear” series last month, read more about styling your love handles and recognizing the importance of proper underpinnings. These quick tips are a great way to jumpstart how to celebrate your body type and make it work for you! Just because you aren’t a size 2 {or maybe you are}, you can still look and feel great about yourself.
3.} Take Care of YOU! How often do we put everyone else before ourselves? If you have a family, I know you have experienced this phenomenon that suggests we are to slay ourselves and put our “people” {kid crew and life partners} at the top of the priority list! Nonsense…I always love the reminder from our trusted advocates who fly the friendly skies to put the oxygen mask on ourselves FIRST before our children so we can be more effective to offer proper care as a result. So —that means suck some air in your nostrils as soon as humanly possible so you can give your all for what you were created for! And if it involves storing a paper bag in your car….there is no judgement. Been there. Done that.
4.} Have Accountability: The best way to make physical or mental changes is to involve others in your journey. Lord knows I have a therapist and a new health coach to challenge me on the kinds of thoughts and foods I expose my mind and body to. With that kind of regular support, with a friend, coach or counselor, you will be amazed at how quickly you can heal from old patterns and wounds. Make a list of your personal goals as it relates to self care and align your partners in crime to move the needle forward.
5.} Start today: Adopt a “Blast off” and get her done mentality. Stop pressing snooze and commit to a life filled with gratitude for yourself and in turn live a more peace filled life as a result. I am enjoying this book by Allisan Maslan that speaks to this very topic.
May these quick tips inspire and challenge you in your personal Think Thin campaign. What first step will you take today to adopt this important philosophy? We’d love to hear all about it!
I am not sure where you are sitting or perhaps standing as you take in these words. Know I am grateful for your kindness in reading my weekly posts and trusting me with fashion tips. I want to get REAL and share, in a letter, some things I have discovered during the hardest six months of my life that are evolving my mission with Forever Styled.
Let’s do this.
A major event happened last year which was instrumental in waking me up to my reality and the changes I needed to make for myself to reclaim my truth. I have been talking for years about how to align one’s inner longings/values with the way an individual presents themselves on the outside with their wardrobe. Honestly, I have been a hypocrite to that end.
Sadly, my soul grieved for years in a difficult marriage, and I became an expert in adorning my outer shell to cover up all the falsehoods of my reality. I was living a lie shielded behind “perfect appearances”. Always thinking, if I could get my outsides to look the part —then maybe no one would notice what was going on.
Here is what I know now.
Lesson # 1: Life is messy and imperfect. So am I and that’s ok!
On December 20th, 2016, when my relationship officially fell apart, I realized that sometimes life is MEH {a.k.a. freaking messy and imperfect} and there are days a girl just needs to sit on the couch in baggy sweatpants, look disheveled and cry. It’s important to allow yourself to grieve and fall apart {and even look like poo} when life is seemingly shattered. Goodness knows I pray you aren’t in a solemn place like this, but if you are—know there is hope.
The silver lining I found through the tears was recognizing that I didn’t have to hold it all together with my attire or my reality to be loved or accepted…that I could show up in, God forbid—yoga pants and a mis-matched T to my girlfriend’s house and feel totally cherished. In fact, it made her more at ease to not feel she had to posture around the annoyingly accessorized stylist.
Lesson #2: There is no need to hide anymore!
From over spending to accomplish the perfect outfit to wearing a baggy shirt because of body hatred, let’s surrender to the fact that you are beautiful inside and out. You and I don’t have to cover up all that is happening in this jacked-up life. And if you say you have no mess…I don’t believe you. No mess. No message. Part of the human story is speaking authentically to the challenges we face. So let it all hang out. You might even be hiding behind a closet full of clothes that don’t make you feel genuine.
Come up with three words that trigger the most profound description of how you want to be perceived. Hang those words on your closet wall. My three are: APPROACHABLE, THOUGHTFUL, FLATTERING. These words will be a foundation for rebuilding something more appropriate for the things you keep, the things you purge, and things that come into your life.
Lesson #3: I Matter. YOU Matter.
Silence that self-condemning inner critic that says you aren’t enough. You aren’t pretty enough. Smart enough. Tough enough. Strong enough. Fit enough. Rich enough. Perfect enough. Start making the changes you need to align your truth with the notion that you were uniquely created by God for a significant purpose. Remind yourself that God doesn’t make junk even if you are standing knee deep in it. Dare to accomplish great things knowing that what you believe about yourself shapes every decision you make. Acknowledging that you cannot build a personal brand based on other people’s opinions. The one that matters most is yours.
What can you expect from Forever Styled moving forward?
Now that I’m awakened to all the crazy, messy stuff that exists in my life and yours {wink}, it is time to focus on educating you how to get your clothes on everyday verses just pushing product.
While I will continue to make recommendations on things I really do value, love and wear, my posts will be centered on how to empower the change that needs to happen within, to live with less. I want to make sure you know how to be the most informed about your wardrobe and be more responsible with your hard earned shopping dollars.
From here on out I will be sharing more about my story and would love to know more about yours. This space should be for dialogue about the challenges and joys you are experiencing in your life and daily dressing routine…not just about having the latest and greatest trend.
Sound good?
This is my truth. What is yours?
I would love to hear it and how this post might have inspired you this week. How have you taken a difficult situation and turned it around for the better? Your story matters to me.
Bless you from head to your stylish toes,
Jen Young Young2017-07-26 11:46:392017-07-26 11:48:57A Letter To You
The time is FINALLY here! The Nordstrom’s Anniversary Sale Pre-sale has begun and I am all kinds of excited about it. To celebrate this joyous occasion I am giving you my top picks from the sale, and a little more info on why I think you all might need these items in your wardrobe.
This top is all that is right with the dramatic sleeve! Paired with skinny jeans or a pencil skirt, you can take it from work to play in a matter of stylish seconds.
In the heat of the summer would there be anything more perfect to purchase at this blowout sale than a fabulous pair of sunnies? Some-times paying a pretty penny for accessories is hard to do. But this tortious shell pattern is great for pairing with both black and brown for a versatile option.
I’ve said it before, and will say it again… Undergarments are the core to any wardrobe. Having the right items is crucial for making an outfit work. These Hanky Panky underwear are great for seamless lines and a comfortable fit.
The athleisure wear trend seems to be here to stay for quite some time, and I can’t complain! These slip-ons are great for running to the market or pairing with a dress.
In this summer heat it may be hard to picture yourself in booties, but these are an amazing pair I would suggest considering! They are stylish yet classic and will be great for the fall and winter season.
Leopard is a neutral and my signature item. These flats are great for getting around town and perfect for throwing into your purse or luggage for extra-long walking days. Cute and comfort is no longer as hard to find, but it is always nice to have a few staples of it in your closet.
Good leather is hard to come by and great to have. Halogen is a brand I love, and one I use for staple items for many of my clients. Having a skirt that can be dressed up or dressed down is great for your staple wardrobe.
Perfect for summer and great with a light jacket for all other times! I have really gotten into the shift dress this year and this one is not only adorable but the vertical lines are flatter on almost every body type.
A place I see many clients ignore is their sleepwear. It is easy to throw on an old torn up tee or those oversized sweats you’ve had for years. I challenge you to step out of what is comfortable when it comes to pajamas. This little nighty is soft, and will make you feel fabulous when hitting the pillow.
Every girl needs a little makeup in her life! This kit is perfect for staying natural but looking fabulous. I have always given kudos to MAC for their long lasting products, this kit is no different.
I will be the first to say that doing things to keep yourself feeling fresh and maintained is well worth it. If you haven’t used the NuFace Toning Kit this is a great time to test it out.
The tote that can hold it all but doesn’t look like it! You can bring this to work, pack it for play or even use it as your carry-on. It is fabulous for the working woman!
Hello athletic staple item. I have to say; Adidas is a brand I am so happy to still see around. It is a classic look that you don’t have to feel bad about dressing down for.
Who doesn’t love cashmere?? Better yet, who doesn’t love it on sale! This is one of the Anniversary items that makes everything worth it. To have a piece of clothing with a usually steep price tag for just a pretty penny (almost but not really!) is why I love promoting this sale!
And for all my lovely clients who are wanting some help shopping through the sale, I have just a few spots left for virtual and in-person styling appointments! Email me to book: [email protected]
Stylishly yours,
Jen Young Young Young2017-07-13 14:43:522017-07-14 14:57:27Nordstrom’s Sale Must Haves
Ladies, if you are looking to feel elegant and not lose all form of movement {a.k.a. hemline is too short to bend over}, I have found the ideal minidress for you! This Joie ditty from Nordstrom is the perfect pick. The sheer fabric breathes well for the upcoming heated months. The cinched gathering in the middle gives this rectangular shaped gal a waist {HA}, to a flowy bottom which is perfect for a flirty and fun look.
And did you see that fabulous floral print? My friend and fellow stylist, Jackie Mewbourne, always says, “Prints are personal!” and I agree. Some florals are hard to pull off—often overpowering the person wearing them. This subtle combination of colors and pattern in this minidress is classy and sets the perfect tone for a day to night choice.
If you are looking for a dress to live in, to look and feel great, this is it!
Hello flowers and light colors! Hello white jeans! Spring is officially here, at least according to my closet, and I can’t wait to celebrate. It’s time to let you in on the latest in fashion, so you can start getting ready for the months to come. Here are my favorite Spring Trends of 2017:
From pretty with puffs to cute with cutouts {also know as the cold-shoulder as shown}, detailed tops are all I can think about these days. They are the perfect way to transition from “cold” weather to warm, since most are quarter sleeve. And adding to the trend, denim is more than hot this spring. This play on the fabric is a more classic way to wear blue jean on your top half.
Are you someone who is often times conflicted between gold and sliver? Which is more timeless? Which looks better on my arm and skin tone? Good news for you… this year is all about the mixing of metals. Wear a chunky gold bangle with a simple silver link style. Or better yet, mix your metals together with the watch shown above. Paint your nails with a dark but fun color and you are trend approved!
Just when I thought jeans couldn’t go anywhere else. The uneven hem trend is perfect for spring, and might be the best thing that might have ever happened to up- cycling. All your old jeans are about to get a face lift. Since a frayed cut is in, you can get crafty and make a pair of the “high-low” variety all on your own. I took my kitchen scissors to this pair and salvaged an item of clothing I usually shove in the back of my closet. They are now one of my favorites!
Are you still on the bootie kick like me? Good thing this spring is all about peep toe booties. This camel color makes for a pretty transition, and the chunky heel is a MUST HAVE to be on point with this years Spring Trends. Did I mention this is going to be great for our feet? The chunkier the heel the less pain in the game. That’s what I call comfortable-effortless style!
Stylishly yours,
Jen Young Young Young2017-03-15 13:39:572017-03-15 13:51:07Be The First To See Springs Latest Trends
From shoes to shirts, and all that is in between… When it comes to leopard, I simply can’t get enough! As a stylist we all tend to lean towards a signature trend, mine just happens to be the newest form of neutral. Leopard is the perfect addition to a simple outfit, and a great way to add a little something extra to your wardrobe.
Let’s kick off our animal print look from the bottom up. Heels are the perfect touch of tan and black spots. Kitten heels are great when paired with distressed jeans and a tee. You can also switch it up with a great leopard wedge. I love Toms tie up option, and they are comfortable for days full of walking or shopping!
Are you a little nervous to jump right in to a bold print? Starting with an accessory is the perfect way to dip your toe in the fashion pool! A smaller clutch looks amazing paired with a black color scheme, and keeps your outfit on point transitioning from season to season. You can also replicate this look in a bracelet or small scarf. Tie it tight around your neck and you’ve got this Springs latest accessory trend taken care of.
And for those of you looking to take my favorite color (dare I say it is a color) to the next level, dress it up! A literal dress, or top, is a fabulous way to add leopard into your wardrobe. This off-colored dress is a great way to neutralize a bold print, but keep the effect of its fun feeling. Paired with a leather jacket or cardigan during the spring months, also helps lower the impact. Then, for the moments when you feel like being bold, pull off your outer layer and let your leopard shine!!
Fashionably Yours,
Jen Young Young Young2017-03-08 15:28:212017-03-08 15:46:16A Touch Of Leopard
Let me make your mid-week blues a little more nude… From date night to wedding date, nude heels are a staple in every girl’s wardrobe. But finding a pair that isn’t sky high or too intense to stand on is always tricky.
Here are my tips on how to do it right, for day or for night.
A casual heel is a first thought when it comes to this season’s bell bottom trend but I always seem to come up short when looking for one that is a good height and not killer on my toes. For this I always suggest looking for a great platform. The thicker the base the easier a shoe is for support. For us shorter girls, having those extra inches only means our bell bottoms can be bigger, making our legs look long like the models!
What better way to do a professional nude heel than to look at JCrew? This entire outfit is made up of their classic, and statement pieces, and if you ask me it’s perfection! Pair a colorful pencil skirt with a rolled-sleeve shirt, add a statement necklace, and the perfect suede heel for a polished look. This shoe is a great heel height, and though simple, makes an impact when you walk in the room.
And when it comes to stepping your style up a notch, I like to think of adding a little something to your simple heel. Try a shine finish or a buckle detail! Do something out of the ordinary with your nude heel. It makes a little black dress look as if it came right off the runway, and brings your outfit to a whole new level of chic.
Stylishly yours,
Jen Young Young Young2017-03-02 08:02:362017-03-02 14:37:32Nude Heel How To